Start of study at the KIT-Department of Civil Engineering, Geo and Environmental Sciences

Dear freshmen and freshwomen,

Welcome to KIT and especially to our KIT-Department! On this and other linked pages, you will find

to facilitate your start into university life at KIT and the KIT-Department of Civil Engineering, Geo and Environmental Sciences.


Building 10.81 at KIT Campus South KIT/BGU
Civil Engineering Building at KIT Campus South

Support at the start of study for all first semester students

What is the O-Phase and what is it for?

One week before the start of study, the student representatives organise an orientation phase for first semester students (Bachelor and Master), the so-called 'O-Phase'. During this time, events take place where first semester students can get to know the course of studies, the campus, the city of Karlsruhe and other students. More information about the O-Phase can be found on the websites of the student representatives. Which student representative is responsible for which study program as well as the dates of the O-Phase can be found on the website of the AStA (website in German).

Which student representatives are there in the KIT-Department of Civil Engineering, Geo and Environmental Sciences?

Student representatives of Civil Engineering (website in German)
Student representatives of Geosciences (website in German)
Student representatives of Geodesy and Geoinformatics (website in German)

What is a module handbook and where can I find it?

The module handbook is the authoritative document in which the content structure of the study program is presented. It describes the modules belonging to the degree program and contains information on the composition and size of the modules, the interdependencies of the modules, their qualification objectives, the type of assessment of success, the formation of the grade of a module as well as the classification of the module in the study plan.

You can find the module handbook of your study program via our department website on the study program page under the tab "Module handbooks", on the website of the respective institute and on the KIT website "Study Programs at KIT".

Where can I find the study plan?

You can find an exemplary study plan via our department website on the study program page of your study program under the tab "Module handbooks" as well as in the module handbook of your study program.

What is a mentoring program?

To facilitate the start of your study, there is a mentor program at KIT. Mentors are trained students who support prospective students and first semester students with questions.

For the study programs "Applied Geosciences" and "Geography", further information is available on the website of the Student representatives of Geosciences (website in German).

Teacher training students can find further information on the website of the Zentrum für Lehrerbildung (ZLB) (website in German).

Why do I get a KIT e-mail address?

After successful activation of the KIT account, an e-mail box is automatically displayed. The mail address is uxxxx does-not-exist.student kit edu. All mails concerning your studies will be sent to this address after your enrollment. A forwarding to a private mail address can be set up in the Self-Service Portal of the SCC.
IMPORTANT: The KIT mailbox should be checked regularly, as all study-related mails end up there. Only reading the ILIAS mails is not sufficient!

How do I find my way around the campus?

With the interactive campus map you can find all facilities, institutes, lecture halls and buildings of KIT.

Where can I print at KIT?

There are different printing possibilities for KIT students. At the SCC, a print order can be submitted either online or at a computer on site, which will be ready for collection after a few minutes. In addition, printing can also be done directly in the pool rooms.
An overview and further information on printing at the SCC can be found on the web page Working Environment/Printing.

Another option is printing via the AStA print shop (website in German). Print jobs can be submitted both online and on-site. They will be finished within one day and can be picked up during the opening hours of the AStA.

Is there WLAN at KIT?

Yes! Requirements and information about access can be found on the SCC website.

Where are study places on campus?

There are places for studying and working in the libraries at KIT. There are also places for group work. More information as well as reservation possibilities can be found on the KIT library website.

How can I get involved besides my studies?

The student body offers a variety of possibilities for leisure activities and commitment outside of studies, such as participation in a university group. The AStA offers an overview (website in German) of the possibilities offered at KIT.

What other offers are there at KIT (sports / culture)?

KIT offers a variety of sports and cultural activities, which can be accessed via the KIT Culture website (in German).

Contact points

Study Program Service BGU

Central contact point for all students, lecturers and employees of the KIT-Department BGU for organizational questions concerning the study programs and studies.

Study Program Service BGU
Academic Advisors

Do you have questions about your studies? Then do not hesitate to contact our academic advisors (see tab of your study program).

Contact persons
blau-grüner Hintergrund
International coordination

Contact desk for international students, lecturers and employees at our KIT-Department for organizational questions concerning study programs and studies.


Kay Dittner, phone: +49 721 608-44804

KIT Student Service

Contact point for prospective students, students, doctoral candidates, and KIT teachers for questions concerning studies.

Student Advisory Services (ZSB)

First point of contact for students, pupils, parents and prospective students for all questions about studying.

Student Advisory Service
International Students Office

Contact point for all international students and prospective students as well as for KIT students who are interested in a stay abroad.


The library offers the possibiliy to research and borrow literature. Furthermore you can reserve working places there.

House of Competence (HoC)

The HoC provides opportunities for all students to learn key skills.

Logo MINT KollegKIT

The MINT-Kolleg offers students in their first semesters an additional range of courses in the MINT subjects.

Language Center (SpZ)

You want to learn a new language or refresh your language skills? One language course per semester is free of charge for KIT students.

Studium Generale. Forum Science and Society (FORUM)

FORUM offers all students a diverse range of courses in interdisciplinary and intercultural education as well as various support programs.

Logo Studierendenwerk KarlsruheStudierendenwerk Karlsruhe
Studierendenwerk Karlsruhe

Place to go for questions about housing, BAföG or for advice.


Information on

First IT Steps at KIT

Support for the first steps at SCC as well as information about software, applications and basic IT services at KIT.

University Calendar

In addition to the module handbook, the course catalogue contains information on the individual courses (schedule, contents, etc.).

University Calender (VVZ)
Logo IliasILIAS

ILIAS is the Learning Management System (LMS) used at KIT.

Campus Management System CAS

The Campus Management Portal (student portal) is the self-service portal for student administration.