What can I study at the KIT-Department of Civil Engineering, Geo and Environmental Sciences?

Get an insight and overview of our study programs and what we offer before you start studying. Click on the text for more information.
Personengruppe vor GesteinsformationAgnes Kontny (KIT)
Study Applied Geosciences

Sustainable use of the environment - on and underground

Person mit Vermessungsgerät in einer antiken StätteGeodätisches Institut (KIT)
Study Geodesy and Geoinformatics

Organizing the environment sustainably - we provide the basis


Experience report on this Study Program (in German)

Dozent mit Zeigestab vor einer LeinwandIfGG (KIT)
Study Geography (teaching profession at Gymnasium level)

Teaching the environment - teachers educate for sustainable development


Experience report on this Study Program (in German)

Logos of the student representativesFachschafte BauIng, Geodäsie, Geowissenschaften
Offers from the student representatives for prospective students

The three student representatives of our KIT-Department also provide information for prospective students on their websites and are also available to answer questions about studying before you start.


Student representatives of Civil Engineering

Student representatives of Geodesy and Geoinformatics

Student representatives of Geosciences