Master's program in Technology and Management in Construction

Regular duration of study: 4 semesters

ECTS credits: 120

Course language: German and English

with restricted admission: no

Study structure and contents
The study program Technology and Management in Construction with the degree Master of Science (M.Sc.) offers an in-depth, practice- and research-oriented education for the typical fields of activity in the context of the construction, operation and deconstruction of structures. The focus is on technical specialization in the areas of construction execution and construction management, process development and process optimization, digitalization, and environmental protection in construction operations - along the entire life cycle of structures of all kinds.
In the profile study program, one of the study profiles "Site Management and Production Methods", "Project Management and Lean Construction", "Real Estate and Facility Management", "Digital Technologies in Construction", and "People and Environment in Construction" must be chosen.
The subject-specific scientific supplement (18 LP) and the interdisciplinary qualifications (6 LP) are compulsory. In the supplementary subject, all modules of the entire study program (and possibly of the other master's programs in civil engineering at KIT) that have not yet been selected or specified can be freely selected as supplementary modules. In order to obtain the interdisciplinary qualifications, courses from the House of Competence (HoC) or the Center for Applied Cultural Studies and Studium Generale (ZAK) can be selected.
The program is completed with a Master's thesis, which is scheduled to take six months to complete.
Übersicht Bauingenieursstudiengänge am KIT
Qualification goals
Graduates of the KIT Master's Program Technology and Management in Construction have supplemented and further deepened their scientific qualifications acquired in the Bachelor's Program. They have learned to independently apply their scientifically based and interdisciplinary knowledge and methods in the fields of systems analysis, process development, life cycle and project management, also across disciplinary boundaries, and to evaluate their significance and scope for solving complex scientific and societal problems. More...
Online via the KIT application portal
The MHB contains important information about the study program that supplements the SPO. You will find information on mentoring, module selection and explanatory information on additional services and self-registration of interdisciplinary qualifications.

For students with start from in winter semester 2022/23 (SPO 2022)
Module handbook (status: March 5, 2024) (course of study refer to sec. 2) (pdf, 2.397 kB)

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