Teaching, learning, and research at a high level on the campus in the city centre and at the Schlosspark

The KIT-Department BGU takes a holistic approach to understanding, protecting, using, and sustainably shaping the environment as the basis of our lives in teaching, research, and innovations.

In this context, the geosciences and environmental sciences work closely together with the civil engineering sciences. Thus, the department makes an essential contribution to living in an attractive environment also in the future.

Please note that the dates in this calendar are not updated daily and all information is without guarantee. It is possible that dates are changed at short notice without us becoming aware of this. We therefore recommend that you check the information on the websites of the facilities concerned.


Franziska MeinherzF. Meinherz
New professor at the IfGG

Since 1st October, Franziska Meinherz works as a tenure-track professor at the Institute of Geography and Geoecology, where she is setting up and leading the new "Urban and Mobility Geography" working group. Her research focuses on the challenges and opportunities for a socially just mobility transition in urban areas. She deals with the mobility practices of different population groups, questions of mobility justice, and the social and spatial effects of different design and governance approaches in urban climate and mobility policy. At KIT, she will also establish a new Master's program in the field of mobility geography.

After completing her doctorate at the EPF Lausanne, Franziska Meinherz obtained a postdoctoral project on urban mobility policy during the corona pandemic, which she also carried out at the EPF Lausanne. She then moved to the Technical University of Munich, where she was responsible for a work package of the "Transformative Mobility Experiments" project funded by the BMBF Future Cluster MCube.

Prof. Dr. Katja Emmerich mit einem Mikrofon vor einer LeinwandKIT
Prof. Dr. Katja Emmerich receives the Georg Brown Lecture Award

Prof. Dr. Katja Emmerich from the Institute of Concrete Structures and Building Materials Technology (IMB/MPA/CMM), Building Materials and Concrete Construction, Department of Natural Building Materials and Applied Clay Mineralogy, was honored with the Georg Brown Lecture Award of the Clay Minerals Group of the Mineralogical Society of the UK and Ireland in recognition of outstanding research in the field of clay mineralogy. Ms. Emmerich presented the Georg Brown Lecture at the Mid European Clay Conference in Plzen (CZ). She demonstrated the structure-functionality relationship of clays and clay minerals in geotechnical barriers for radioactive repositories using the example of national bentonites and the sandwich system for shaft closures developed at KIT.