Short profile
Study structure and contents
The profile of the Master’s program in Civil Engineering consists of training to become a generalist in the specialist areas. For the specialization course, the student chooses two from the five main areas of "Engineering Structures", "Water and Environment", "Mobility and Infrastructure", "Technology and Management in Construction" and "Geotechnical Engineering".
A mentor assist the Master’s students. The mentor is a leading professor, university professor or private lecturer from one of the two choosen fields of study of the Master’s program in Civil Engineering. Together with the student, the mentor has to compose the focus and supplementary modules in such a way that a Master's program according to the desired profil is guaranteed.
The study program is completed with a Master's thesis, for which a duration of six months is planned.
Qualification goals
Graduates are able to independently apply their scientifically and interdisciplinary knowledge and methods in the fields of systems analysis, measurement technology, modeling and management, even across disciplines. They evaluate their importance and scope for solving complex scientific and social problems. They develop novel problem solutions that go beyond the application of established structural engineering or building science rules, and thus break new technical and scientific ground.
Online via the KIT Applicant Portal
Contact persons
Academinc advisor
Dr.-Ing. Harald Schneider (harald.schneider∂
Dean of Studies
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Steffen Freitag (steffen.freitag∂
Study Commission Civil Engineers
Program Coordination
PD Dr. rer.nat. Ulf Mohrlok (ulf.mohrlok∂
Module handbooks
For students with start from winter semester 2017/18 (SPO 2017)
Module handbook (status: March 6, 2024) (course of study refer to sec. 2) (pdf, 1.687 kB)
Statutes and regulations
Zugangssatzung Bauingenieurwesen Master und Immatrikulationsordnung KIT (German versions)
Aktuelle Studien- und Prüfungsordnung (German versions)
Courses and timetables, see course catalogue
more details
KIT-Website Master's program in Civil Engineering (website in German)
Info flyer for download (pdf) (German version)
From studies to profession - Civil engineering - Orientation guide 2010 for prospective students, students and employers (pdf) (Publication of asbau, Akkreditierungsverbund für Studiengänge des Bauwesens e.V.) (German Version)
Information from the Central Association of the German Construction Industry: Become a civil engineer (external link to German website)